
Best Business Practices II

SBSN - CEDEC logoMAGOG: The second in a series of Best Business Practices events will take place on Wednesday, May 29, at the Memphremagog Community Learning Centre (5:30p.m. –8:30 p.m.). This interactive get-together, sponsored by SBSN/CEDEC (Small Business Systems Network/CEDEC) and the CLC (Community Learning Center), is designed to help small business owners, giving them an opportunity to network with other business owners, share best business practices and learn from others, validate their own ideas with entrepreneurs like themselves, get advice from experienced business professionals and hopefully seize new opportunities.

The evening will unfold beginning with keynote speaker Aaron Patella who will offer his advice on understanding your clients and acquiring more business. Patella has agreed to share his diversified range of experience in construction, telecommunications, tourism, retail sales, logistics and transport, real estate management and finance. Throughout the last 15 years of experience working in these domains, he has compiled several plans of action and interesting theories on successful ways to improve upon and understand your business and its clients.

Aaron- PatellaAs the Best Business Practices event held earlier this year was so well-received and appreciated, the agenda for Wednesday’s event will also include a speed-coaching scenario with several of the SBSN bilingual resource people. The discussion facilitators will include Isabelle Ducharme – ‘Maximize Your Time’; Michael Davis – ‘ Making your Business more Efficient, Now!’; François Gingras – ‘Rule Your Cash Flow’; Céline des Ligneris – ‘Prepare to Buy or Sell a Business’; and Aaron Patella – ‘Optimizing Your Client Experience’ .

This event is open to members and non-members of SBSN / CEDEC ($15 for CEDEC SBSN members / $20 for non-members). Hot and cold buffet supper included. The Memphremagog Community Learning Center (CLC) is located at Princess Elizabeth Elementary School, 112 Bellevue Street, Magog.

CEDEC SBSN supports communities across Quebec by providing personalized business-development services in English – “we follow through with every client to make sure they have the tools to succeed”. CEDEC is funded by the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities and by the Government of Canada.

For more information or to register: (819) 566-7228 or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. can also register online at